Total Funding, 2014

$16,493,216,510 11,272 Disbursements

Top Donor Countries

  1. United States $6.1 B
  2. EU Institutions $2.5 B
  3. United Kingdom $2.0 B
  4. Japan $994.7 M
  5. Germany $929.8 M
  6. Canada $696.1 M
  7. Sweden $608.4 M
  8. Norway $488.4 M
  9. Switzerland $438.1 M
  10. Netherlands $331.5 M
  11. Australia $330.8 M
  12. Denmark $283.9 M
  13. Finland $147.7 M
  14. Ireland $110.1 M
  15. Italy $83.8 M
  16. Belgium $80.7 M
  17. Korea $78.3 M
  18. Spain $76.9 M
  19. France $66.0 M
  20. Luxembourg $48.6 M

Top Recipients

  1. Bilateral, unspecified $2.2 B
  2. Syrian Arab Republic $1.5 B
  3. South Sudan $1.3 B
  4. South of Sahara, regional $1.3 B
  5. Philippines $593.4 M
  6. Iraq $550.6 M
  7. Jordan $549.9 M
  8. West Bank and Gaza Strip $520.6 M
  9. Somalia $470.7 M
  10. Sudan $457.3 M
  11. Afghanistan $448.1 M
  12. Democratic Republic of the Congo $425.0 M
  13. Ethiopia $406.2 M
  14. Sierra Leone $378.7 M
  15. Pakistan $365.0 M
  16. Lebanon $362.7 M
  17. Kenya $335.0 M
  18. Turkey $320.9 M
  19. Yemen $299.5 M
  20. Middle East, regional $273.0 M

Breakdown by Disaster Type

Disasters - General

Natural Hazards/Severe Weather

Complex Humanitarian Emergencies

Man-made Accidents

Breakdown by Disaster Assistance Strategy

Breakdown by Region

Sample Disbursements

Sweden made a disbursement of $21,128 for a financial audit of CIVIS Colombia by Ernst & Young.