Get Involved

Women in the refugee settlement of Balukhali in Bangladesh. Allison Joyce, UN Women

Measuring the State of Disaster Philanthropy is a multi-year collaborative effort by Foundation Center and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy to document the landscape of giving for disasters and humanitarian crises. Our aim is to use data to help foundations, in particular, be more effective and strategic in their disaster-related investments.

Share Data


In order to provide a comprehensive picture of disaster-related funding flows, Foundation Center and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy are always on the look-out for more and better-quality data. But we need YOUR help!

If you are a donor, consider sharing information about your disaster-related giving directly with us. E-reporting ensures that the timeliest information is available to the field and that the story of your giving is told accurately.

It’s simple! Download grants data into an Excel spreadsheet and email it to Foundation Center’s software partners make e-reporting even easier, offering a pre-formatted export function that automatically pulls necessary data into an Excel file.

Required details include:

  • Recipient name
  • Recipient address
  • Amount
  • Fiscal year
  • Description (specifically, disaster type and disaster assistance strategy, if available)
  • Transaction ID (if available)

Take a look at our eReporting template.

We also invite other data-gathering organizations to help us collect more up-to-date and comprehensive funding data. Contact Tanya Gulliver-Garcia,

Maximize Your Giving Impact

Increase the effectiveness of your donor dollars and help build communities that can withstand and prevent disasters from becoming catastrophic events.

As the only full-time, national resource dedicated to advancing strategic disaster-recovery opportunities, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy can:

  • Identify the critical needs of a community with emphasis on long-term recovery and rebuilding;
  • Perform due diligence so you can give with 100% confidence;
  • Connect you with innovative leaders, on-the-ground during disasters;
  • Match grant-making activities to your interests;
  • Assemble experts with a deep knowledge of domestic and international disasters to inform the donor community;
  • Design disaster plans with expert consultants to help you prepare for when a disaster strikes your community.

Find out how the Center for Disaster Philanthropy can align your organization’s values with its disaster philanthropy objectives.

Schedule a one-on-one consultation with:

Tanya Gulliver-Garcia, Assistant Director of Major Initiatives,,
(504) 638-2863

For more resources on philanthropic strategies, best practices, and lessons learned, visit the Disaster Philanthropy Playbook.