December 31, 2017
Rights of Nature & Mother Earth: Rights-based law for Systemic Change
Authors: Osprey Orielle Lake, Shannon Biggs, Tom B.K. Goldtooth
Publishers: Indigenous Environmental Network, Movement Rights, Women's Earth & Climate Action Network
This report explores not just the idea of a radical shift toward recognizing rights of ecosystems (and our responsibilities to the Earth) but includes global examples from around the world where these new laws aretaking root. In the last year alone, New Zealand and India have recognized rivers as rights-bearing entitiesthat now "own" themselves. They join the fast-growing list of 7 countries and dozens of local communitiesthat are finding the only way forward to protect human communities is to shift our hearts, minds and legalframeworks to align with natural law. We can choose to shift now, while there is still time to escape theworst devastation of climate chaos. Failing that, we must remember Mother Earth does not negotiate.