October 1, 2019
Land Back: A Yellowhead Institute Red Paper
Authors: Hayden King, Riley Yesno, Shiri Pasternak
Publisher: Yellowhead Institute
The Red Paper follows a tradition of Indigenous analysis and agendamaking reports, like the first Red Paper released in 1970 by theIndian Association of Alberta in response to Canada's 1969 WhitePaper. Our report, "Land Back," breaks down the current statusof land dispossession in Canada, focusing on alienation throughresource extraction. We examine various forms of redress andrecognition by governments and industry to incentivize Indigenousparticipation in resource development, while pointing to the gapsin these models. Finally, we consider meaningful Indigenouseconomies outside of federal and provincial policies and legislationto foreground examples of land reclamation. This report is ultimatelyabout Indigenous consent.