September 12, 2019
Investing in Native Communities: Philanthropic Funding for Native American Communities and Causes
Authors: Grace Sato, Sarina Dayal, Supriya Kumar
Publishers: Candid, Native Americans in Philanthropy
Funders: Bush Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation, Marguerite Casey Foundation, Northwest Area Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson
From 2002 to 2016, large U.S. foundations gave, on average, 0.4 percent of total annual funding to Native American communities and causes, although the Alaska Native and American Indian population represents 2 percent of the total U.S. population. This report provides the latest data on foundation funding for Native Americans, alongside important historical context that has contributed to the unique experiences and challenges Native Americans face today. The report also consolidates advice and feedback from philanthropic and Native leaders, who reflect on successful work and practices in partnering with Native organizations and communities.