Indian Self-Determination and Self-Governance Era 1968-present


Idle No More is established

Idle No More. Image: Michelle Caron
Idle No More. Image: Michelle Caron

Idle No More is founded by four women: three First Nations women and one non-Native ally. It is a grassroots social movement “among the Aboriginal peoples in Canada comprising the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples and their non-Aboriginal supporters in Canada, and to a lesser extent, internationally. It has consisted of a number of political actions worldwide, inspired in part by the liquid diet hunger strike of Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence and further coordinated via social media. A reaction to alleged legislative abuses of Indigenous treaty rights by the Stephen Harper and the Conservative federal government, the movement takes particular issue with the omnibus bill Bill C-45. The popular movement has included round dances in public places and blockades of rail lines.” (

Native Resistance